About a year ago all of us embarked on a journey that we did not choose to be in. It was an adventure we were not prepared for. A long term trip that we would never purchase tickets for...
The pandemic caught the world by surprise and it challenged individuals, families, and businesses in many ways. Initially there was confusion, panic, even division. This period lasted a longer than anyone imagined and through it all WE ENDURED. When I say “we” I am not only speaking of Só Dança. When I say “we,” I am referring to all of those who even in the midst of the sandstorm and chaos, were able to rise up, lift their heads up and lead by example with confidence that together we are better. These incredible individuals and companies had in common a deep rooted belief that we should NOT STOP, but in many ways shift focus, pivot the plans and most importantly to keep pursuing all goals without losing momentum. That takes effort and courage.
Bianca Bulle
Staying motivated has not been easy, but Bulle has focused on her health and on her craft. “Exercising is super important to keep your energy and adrenaline flowing,” shares Bulle. “It's really easy to just shut down, but that is a vicious cycle. A lot of dancers unknowingly need this break, as tough as it has been, to force them to find a balance in their life with new interests and hobbies.”
Juliet Doherty
“2020 brought a lot of uncertainty into each of our lives; however, I’ve watched innovation unfold within the arts and much connectedness through shared experience. I’m excited for the coming year, and continue to be inspired by the dance community’s resilience throughout this time.”
Brady Farrar
“2020 taught me many things, such as finding strength in uncertainty. It also helped to change my perspective on the importance of family and staying safe.”
The pandemic forced us all to deeply analyze our lives and businesses to intentionally plan out our goals and to re-prioritize. In speaking of Só Dança, in many ways the pandemic has made us better and more united as a company. I also know that to many it has made them better people with different perspectives and clearer priorities. It would not be right not to acknowledge and mention those who suffered and had a different outcome, our hearts are with them. Though words are difficult to find, patience and kindness seem to be key, even if circumstances may seem bleak at present, there’s a better day coming. We want to encourage you to keep going, this unwelcome journey will come to an end.
Know without a doubt that you are resilient.